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Sleeping at Best

Some problems and worries at work, personal life, and some diseases can prevent from a good restful sleeping night. Some specialists believe that the sleeping disturbances can be originated from simple cause as well. This cause can be simply the way that you sleep, the pillow, the habits at night before bed-time, and even the ambience of your room.

The best way to sleep is in the lateral position because the spine is protected and it facilitates breathing. This position is recommended for people with reflux gastrointestinal (heart burning) and sleeping disorder. Also, sleeping with belly up can increase the chances of snoring and apnea.

Nine hints to deep sleeping:

  1. Location must be dark or the light must be dimmed, a necessary condition for the body to produce the melatonin, which has been reported to increase the vividness or frequency of dreams.
  2. Do not leave the TV on or windows open, the noise does not allow deep sleep.
  3. Keep the temperature of the bedroom about 59 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. Do not drink coffee and alcohol, or other stimulants
  5. When you arrive at home, take a warm shower, and during the shower massage your body with lavender oil.
  6. Wear comfortable pajamas or clothes.
  7. Do not work in the computer right before bed-time.
  8. Drink passion fruit juice or tea of passion fruit leaves. Other recommended teas are: valerian, kawa-kawa, and other relaxing teas. Not all decaffeinated teas have relaxing power.
  9. Already in bed, have some relaxing time. Listen to meditation songs, and breathe out slowly.

Keep in mind that the right pillow and mattress are priority for a deep and restful night. The pillow cannot be too rigid or too soft, and the mattress has to provide comfort, and muscular and skeletal support.

Adapted by Editorial Staff, July 2007
Last update, August 2008


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